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GCP Alerts and Monitoring using Terraform

Keeping eyes on GCP infrastructure resources is essential for your applications to work seamlessly. DevOps team should get notified when applications or services went down or inaccessible due to some issues like compute instance/s crossed defined threshold, K8S pods crashed, network went down at some region, etc. Getting alerts on configured notification channels allows DevOps teams to act quickly to rectify and resolve issues to keep your services up and running. Here GCP monitoring and alerts are come to rescue and terraform allow us to manage these resources as a code (IaC).

Vikrant Barde, Tech lead, Cloud & DevOps, Sela

Keeping eyes on GCP infrastructure resources is essential for your applications to work seamlessly. DevOps team should get notified when applications or services went down or inaccessible due to some issues like compute instance/s crossed defined threshold, K8S pods crashed, network went down at some region, etc. Getting alerts on configured notification channels allows DevOps teams to act quickly to rectify and resolve issues to keep your services up and running.  

Here GCP monitoring and alerts are come to the rescue and terraform allow us to manage these resources as a code (IaC). 


GCP Monitoring and Alerts 

GCP monitoring provides a complete solution to collect and analyze the metrics of GCP resources and visualize them in the form of dashboards. GCP also allows you to monitor your applications’ availability using uptime checks. We can set up alerts when user defined criteria for resource state, utilization get matched and you will get notified on configured notification channels like email, slack, etc. 


Why Terraform 

We can create infrastructure manually using GCP console. If it’s a small infrastructure and for specific environment like Dev or Prod only, then its Ok to go with manual infrastructure creation. 


Glossary - 


Graphical visualizations of GCP resource metrics. 


Message raised by GCP monitoring when certain criteria get matched in resource metrics. 

Notification Channel 

Communication channels where GCP will send alert notifications like email, slack, etc.  


Uptime Check 

Checks application availability is application is responding for specific API/health check call. 

Infrastructure as Code 

Allow us to create and manage Gloud infrastructure/resources using code. 




Fig – Infrastructure creation using Terraform. 


Configuring monitoring and alerts for few resources for single environment may not take too much time, but what if we need to configure it in multiple environments like dev, prod, staging, qa for multiple times, this will consume large amount of time and energy. Here terraform comes into picture to automate infrastructure creation, we can create, modify, and destroy resources quickly. 


Terraform In Short 

Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp, it allows us to manage and provision cloud infrastructure. 


Terraform Code 

Here, as we can see there is code snippets of terraform main, variable files, modules for notification channels, uptime checks and alerts for uptime checks. For creation alerts and monitoring we have created a simple python app using terraform startup script as seen below. 


VM starup script

"sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -yq build-essential python3-pip rsync; pip install flask; echo -e \"from flask import Flask \napp = Flask(__name__)\n@app.route('/')\ndef hello_cloud():\n\treturn 'Hello Cloud'\n\'')\" >; python3;" 

Python “Hello Cloud” App.

Monitoring Dashboard 

resource "google_monitoring_dashboard" "dashboard" { 

dashboard_json = var.dash_json 




module "flask_app_dashboard" { 

source = "../../module/monitoring/dashboard" 

dash_json = jsonencode({ 

    "displayName": "Flask App VM Dashboard", 

    "dashboardFilters": [], 

    "mosaicLayout": { 

        "columns": 48, 

        "tiles": [ 


            "width": 24, 

            "height": 16, 

            "widget": { 

              "title": "VM Instance - CPU utilization [MEAN]", 

              "xyChart": { 

                  "chartOptions": { 

                  "mode": "COLOR" 


                  "dataSets": [ 


                      "breakdowns": [], 

                      "dimensions": [], 

                      "measures": [], 

                      "minAlignmentPeriod": "60s", 

                      "plotType": "LINE", 

                      "targetAxis": "Y1", 

                      "timeSeriesQuery": { 

                      "timeSeriesFilter": { 

                          "aggregation": { 

                          "alignmentPeriod": "60s", 

                          "perSeriesAligner": "ALIGN_MEAN" 


                          "filter": "metric.type=\"\" resource.type=\"gce_instance\"" 





                  "thresholds": [], 

                  "yAxis": { 

                    "label": "", 

                    "scale": "LINEAR" 






            "xPos": 24, 

            "width": 24, 

            "height": 16, 

            "widget": { 

              "title": "Flask App logs panel", 

              "logsPanel": { 

                "filter": "resource.type=\"gce_instance\" resource.labels.instance_id=\"${module.flask_app_vm.instance_id}\"\"us-central1-c\"\n", 

                "resourceNames": ["projects/1055175960331"] 






    "labels": {} 




terraform apply -target module.flask_app_dashboard.google_monitoring_dashboard.dashboard -var-file dev.tfvars 

Generated Dashboard in GCP Console 


Uptime Checks – TCP and HTTP 



resource "google_monitoring_uptime_check_config" "http-uptime-check" { 


for_each = local.flat_hosts 


display_name = "${each.value.hostname}-http-uptime-check" 

timeout      = "60s" 

selected_regions = ["ASIA_PACIFIC", "USA", "EUROPE"] 


http_check { 

    path         = each.value.path 

    port         = each.value.port 

    use_ssl      = each.value.use_ssl 

    validate_ssl = each.value.validate_ssl 


    accepted_response_status_codes { 

      status_class = "STATUS_CLASS_2XX" 


    accepted_response_status_codes { 

            status_value = 301 


    accepted_response_status_codes { 

            status_value = 302 




monitored_resource { 

    type = "uptime_url" 

    labels = { 

      project_id = var.project_id 

      host       = each.value.hostname 









module "flask_app_tcp_uptime_check" { 

source = "../../module/monitoring/uptime-check/tcp" 

tcp_uptime_hosts = var.flask_app_tcp_uptime_check_hosts 

project_id = var.project_id 




module "flask_app_http_uptime_check" { 

source = "../../module/monitoring/uptime-check/http" 

http_uptime_hosts = var.flask_app_http_uptime_check_hosts 

project_id = var.project_id 


Environment variables 

Here we can set uptime checks for multiple targets, just add multiple targets/hosts in Json array. 

Generally, we don’t need tcp and http uptime checks for same application, here we have created it just for example. 




flask_app_tcp_uptime_check_hosts = [{ 

    hostname = "" 

    port     = "5000" 




flask_app_http_uptime_check_hosts = [{ 

    hostname = "" 

    path     = "/" 

    port     = "5000" 

    use_ssl= "false" 

    validate_ssl = "false" 



terraform apply -target module.flask_app_http_uptime_check.google_monitoring_uptime_check_config.http-uptime-check -var-file dev.tfvars 


terraform apply -target module.flask_app_tcp_uptime_check.google_monitoring_uptime_check_config.tcp-uptime-check -var-file dev.tfvars 


Created uptime checks in GCP console 


Notification Channels 


resource "google_monitoring_notification_channel" "email" { 

display_name = var.email_channel_display_name 

   type = "email" 

   labels = { 

     email_address = var.notification_email 







module "notification_channel_email" { 

source = "../../module/monitoring/notification-channel" 

notification_email = var.notification_email 

email_channel_display_name = var.notification_email_desc 






notification_email = "" 

notification_email_desc = "notification email for to receive uptime check alerts" 



terraform apply -target -var-file dev.tfvars 


Created Notification Channels in GCP console 


Alerts for Uptime checks 



resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert-policy-uptime-check" { 

project      = var.project_id 

enabled      = true 

count        = length(var.uptime_check_ids) 

display_name = "Uptime check alert policy for ${element(split("/", var.uptime_check_ids[count.index]), 3)}" 


documentation { 

    content = "Uptime check failed for ${element(split("/", var.uptime_check_ids[count.index]), 3)}" 



notification_channels = [var.notification_channel] 

combiner              = "OR" 


conditions { 

    display_name = "Uptime check for ${element(split("/", var.uptime_check_ids[count.index]), 3)}" 

    condition_threshold { 

      filter = <<EOT 

        metric.type="" AND metric.label.check_id="${element(split("/", var.uptime_check_ids[count.index]), 3)}" AND resource.type="uptime_url" 



      duration        = "0s" 

      threshold_value = "1" 

      comparison      = "COMPARISON_GT" 


      aggregations { 

        alignment_period     = "1200s" 

        cross_series_reducer = "REDUCE_COUNT_FALSE" 

        per_series_aligner   = "ALIGN_NEXT_OLDER" 

        group_by_fields = ["resource.label.project_id", 




      trigger { 

        count = "1" 





user_labels = { 

    severity = "critical" 



alert_strategy { 

    auto_close = "604800s" 






module "flask_app_tcp_email_alerts" { 

source = "../../module/monitoring/alerts" 

depends_on = [module.flask_app_tcp_uptime_check, module.notification_channel_email] 

uptime_check_ids = module.flask_app_tcp_uptime_check.tcp_uptime_check_ids 

notification_channel = module.notification_channel_email.notification_channel_id 




module "flask_app_http_email_alerts" { 

source = "../../module/monitoring/alerts" 

depends_on = [module.flask_app_http_uptime_check, module.notification_channel_email] 

uptime_check_ids = module.flask_app_http_uptime_check.http_uptime_check_ids 

notification_channel = module.notification_channel_email.notification_channel_id 






output "tcp_uptime_check_ids" { 

value = module.flask_app_tcp_uptime_check.tcp_uptime_check_ids 



output "http_uptime_check_ids" { 

value = module.flask_app_http_uptime_check.http_uptime_check_ids 



output "notification_channel_id" { 

value = module.notification_channel_email.notification_channel_id 


terraform apply -target module.flask_app_email_alerts.google_monitoring_alert_policy.alert-policy-uptime-check -var-file dev.tfvars 




Created Policies in GCP Console. 



Smooth running if apps and services in cloud environments is critical to corporate success. GCP monitoring provides robust solution for tracking resource metrics and application availability, it will help support team to act quickly if case of any abnormality. Terraform (IaC) allows DevOps teams to efficiently manage and automate infrastructure, alerts and monitoring across multiple environments in minimum time and effort.